In today's society there is absolutely no reason to send your children to public school In fact as a parent it is our job to do EVERYTHING in our power to keep our kids out of public schools. The left thinks that Teachers have more rights to your child than you as the parent does. Laws just passed in Washington state allowing kids to run away to get gender affirming care without letting the parents know. Drag Queen story hour is a popular thing in schools all across America. They took out God and replaced him with Drag. Scroll below to start your homeschool journey. you will find plenty of cirriculums and books to start. If you are a working parent and don't know how to make this work because of the costs, head over to our entrepreneur page.
Are Your Kids Being Brainwashed?
Are you thinking of homeschooling your kids but don't know where to start? The Tuttle Twins provide excellent content for children. Not exactly a curriculum but a great place to start. Click on the icon below to check out their selection.